Conflict Between Ruby 3.1 and PCS on Rocky Linux

Hello Rocky Linux Community,

I’m encountering an issue with upgrading Ruby on my Rocky Linux system. Specifically, there’s a conflict between Ruby 3.1 and PCS (Pacemaker/Corosync Configuration System).

Currently, PCS is working fine with libruby 3.0. However, due to vulnerabilities in Ruby 3.0, I need to upgrade to Ruby 3.1. The problem arises because PCS seems to require ruby-libs 3.0, which is preventing the upgrade.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the steps I’ve taken and the issue I’m facing:

  1. Uninstalled PCS: I initially removed PCS from the system to avoid any conflicts during the Ruby upgrade process.
  2. Upgraded Ruby to 3.1: I successfully upgraded Ruby to version 3.1 without any issues.
  3. Reinstalled PCS: Upon attempting to reinstall PCS, I encountered the following dependency error:
    [root@space-000c29c16a7c admin]# rpm -Uvh *.rpm
    warning: git-2.43.5-1.el9_4.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 350d275d: NOKEY
    error: Failed dependencies: is needed by pcs-0.11.7-2.el9_4.x86_64
    It looks like pcs with ruby3.1 is not available yet .
    I am looking for advice or a workaround to resolve this dependency conflict. Has anyone else faced a similar issue or does anyone have suggestions on how to proceed? I need to maintain PCS functionality while ensuring that the system is secure with the latest Ruby version.

Any insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support!

OK, but where did you get PCS from, and why are using direct rpm install?

If PCS is built against Ruby 3.0 then you cannot upgrade it. You either have to stick with Ruby 3.0 or find PCS that is built against Ruby 3.1.

Also, had you used corosync or pacemaker by what is available by default in Rocky Linux, it doesn’t even require libruby to be installed. Which you can see below:

[root@rocky9 ~]# dnf install corosync pacemaker --enablerepo=highavailability
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Rocky Linux 9 BaseOS                                                                                  102 kB/s | 4.1 kB     00:00    
Rocky Linux 9 Extras                                                                                   62 kB/s | 2.9 kB     00:00    
Rocky Linux 9 CRB                                                                                      71 kB/s | 4.5 kB     00:00    
Rocky Linux 9 AppStream                                                                                79 kB/s | 4.5 kB     00:00    
EPEL 9                                                                                                 50 kB/s | 2.3 kB     00:00    
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                              Architecture  Version                   Repository                                         Size
 corosync                             x86_64        3.1.8-1.el9               highavailability 262 k
 pacemaker                            x86_64        2.1.7-5.el9_4             highavailability 465 k
Installing dependencies:
 bzip2                                x86_64        1.0.8-8.el9               BaseOS            52 k
 corosynclib                          x86_64        3.1.8-1.el9               AppStream         50 k
 device-mapper-event                  x86_64        9:1.02.197-2.el9          BaseOS            33 k
 device-mapper-event-libs             x86_64        9:1.02.197-2.el9          BaseOS            31 k
 device-mapper-persistent-data        x86_64        1.0.9-3.el9_4             BaseOS           1.0 M
 gssproxy                             x86_64        0.8.4-6.el9               BaseOS           108 k
 keyutils                             x86_64        1.6.3-1.el9               BaseOS            72 k
 libaio                               x86_64        0.3.111-13.el9            BaseOS            23 k
 libev                                x86_64        4.33-5.el9                BaseOS            52 k
 libknet1                             x86_64        1.28-1.el9                CRB               79 k
 libknet1-crypto-nss-plugin           x86_64        1.28-1.el9                highavailability  16 k
 libnfsidmap                          x86_64        1:2.5.4-25.el9            BaseOS            60 k
 libnozzle1                           x86_64        1.28-1.el9                highavailability  29 k
 libpkgconf                           x86_64        1.7.3-10.el9              BaseOS            35 k
 libqb                                x86_64        2.0.8-1.el9               AppStream         91 k
 libverto-libev                       x86_64        0.3.2-3.el9               BaseOS            13 k
 lvm2                                 x86_64        9:2.03.23-2.el9           BaseOS           1.5 M
 lvm2-libs                            x86_64        9:2.03.23-2.el9           BaseOS           1.0 M
 net-snmp-libs                        x86_64        1:5.9.1-13.el9            AppStream        740 k
 nfs-utils                            x86_64        1:2.5.4-25.el9            BaseOS           429 k
 pacemaker-cli                        x86_64        2.1.7-5.el9_4             highavailability 332 k
 pacemaker-cluster-libs               x86_64        2.1.7-5.el9_4             highavailability 128 k
 pacemaker-libs                       x86_64        2.1.7-5.el9_4             highavailability 774 k
 pacemaker-schemas                    noarch        2.1.7-5.el9_4             highavailability  80 k
 perl-AutoLoader                      noarch        5.74-481.el9              AppStream         20 k
 perl-B                               x86_64        1.80-481.el9              AppStream        178 k
 perl-Carp                            noarch        1.50-460.el9              AppStream         29 k
 perl-Class-Struct                    noarch        0.66-481.el9              AppStream         21 k
 perl-Data-Dumper                     x86_64        2.174-462.el9             AppStream         55 k
 perl-Digest                          noarch        1.19-4.el9                AppStream         25 k
 perl-Digest-MD5                      x86_64        2.58-4.el9                AppStream         36 k
 perl-Encode                          x86_64        4:3.08-462.el9            AppStream        1.7 M
 perl-Errno                           x86_64        1.30-481.el9              AppStream         13 k
 perl-Exporter                        noarch        5.74-461.el9              AppStream         31 k
 perl-Fcntl                           x86_64        1.13-481.el9              AppStream         19 k
 perl-File-Basename                   noarch        2.85-481.el9              AppStream         16 k
 perl-File-Path                       noarch        2.18-4.el9                AppStream         35 k
 perl-File-Temp                       noarch        1:0.231.100-4.el9         AppStream         59 k
 perl-File-stat                       noarch        1.09-481.el9              AppStream         16 k
 perl-FileHandle                      noarch        2.03-481.el9              AppStream         14 k
 perl-Getopt-Long                     noarch        1:2.52-4.el9              AppStream         60 k
 perl-Getopt-Std                      noarch        1.12-481.el9              AppStream         14 k
 perl-HTTP-Tiny                       noarch        0.076-462.el9             AppStream         53 k
 perl-IO                              x86_64        1.43-481.el9              AppStream         85 k
 perl-IO-Socket-IP                    noarch        0.41-5.el9                AppStream         42 k
 perl-IO-Socket-SSL                   noarch        2.073-1.el9               AppStream        217 k
 perl-IPC-Open3                       noarch        1.21-481.el9              AppStream         21 k
 perl-MIME-Base64                     x86_64        3.16-4.el9                AppStream         30 k
 perl-Mozilla-CA                      noarch        20200520-6.el9            AppStream         12 k
 perl-Net-SSLeay                      x86_64        1.92-2.el9                AppStream        365 k
 perl-POSIX                           x86_64        1.94-481.el9              AppStream         95 k
 perl-PathTools                       x86_64        3.78-461.el9              AppStream         85 k
 perl-Pod-Escapes                     noarch        1:1.07-460.el9            AppStream         20 k
 perl-Pod-Perldoc                     noarch        3.28.01-461.el9           AppStream         83 k
 perl-Pod-Simple                      noarch        1:3.42-4.el9              AppStream        215 k
 perl-Pod-Usage                       noarch        4:2.01-4.el9              AppStream         40 k
 perl-Scalar-List-Utils               x86_64        4:1.56-461.el9            AppStream         71 k
 perl-SelectSaver                     noarch        1.02-481.el9              AppStream         10 k
 perl-Socket                          x86_64        4:2.031-4.el9             AppStream         54 k
 perl-Storable                        x86_64        1:3.21-460.el9            AppStream         95 k
 perl-Symbol                          noarch        1.08-481.el9              AppStream         13 k
 perl-Term-ANSIColor                  noarch        5.01-461.el9              AppStream         48 k
 perl-Term-Cap                        noarch        1.17-460.el9              AppStream         22 k
 perl-Text-ParseWords                 noarch        3.30-460.el9              AppStream         16 k
 perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap                  noarch        2013.0523-460.el9         AppStream         23 k
 perl-Time-Local                      noarch        2:1.300-7.el9             AppStream         33 k
 perl-TimeDate                        noarch        1:2.33-6.el9              AppStream         51 k
 perl-URI                             noarch        5.09-3.el9                AppStream        108 k
 perl-base                            noarch        2.27-481.el9              AppStream         15 k
 perl-constant                        noarch        1.33-461.el9              AppStream         23 k
 perl-if                              noarch        0.60.800-481.el9          AppStream         13 k
 perl-interpreter                     x86_64        4:5.32.1-481.el9          AppStream         70 k
 perl-libnet                          noarch        3.13-4.el9                AppStream        125 k
 perl-libs                            x86_64        4:5.32.1-481.el9          AppStream        2.0 M
 perl-mro                             x86_64        1.23-481.el9              AppStream         27 k
 perl-overload                        noarch        1.31-481.el9              AppStream         44 k
 perl-overloading                     noarch        0.02-481.el9              AppStream         11 k
 perl-parent                          noarch        1:0.238-460.el9           AppStream         14 k
 perl-podlators                       noarch        1:4.14-460.el9            AppStream        112 k
 perl-subs                            noarch        1.03-481.el9              AppStream         10 k
 perl-vars                            noarch        1.05-481.el9              AppStream         12 k
 pkgconf                              x86_64        1.7.3-10.el9              BaseOS            40 k
 pkgconf-m4                           noarch        1.7.3-10.el9              BaseOS            14 k
 pkgconf-pkg-config                   x86_64        1.7.3-10.el9              BaseOS            10 k
 python3-pyyaml                       x86_64        5.4.1-6.el9               BaseOS           191 k
 quota                                x86_64        1:4.06-6.el9              BaseOS           190 k
 quota-nls                            noarch        1:4.06-6.el9              BaseOS            78 k
 resource-agents                      x86_64        4.10.0-52.el9_4.4         highavailability 459 k
 rpcbind                              x86_64        1.2.6-7.el9               BaseOS            56 k
 sssd-nfs-idmap                       x86_64        2.9.4-6.el9_4             BaseOS            43 k
Installing weak dependencies:
 perl-NDBM_File                       x86_64        1.15-481.el9              AppStream         21 k

So no idea where you got Corosync or Pacemaker from if it requires libruby. I suggest removing it and using what is in the default Rocky repositories (and EPEL for corosync).

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