Chrome disable login keyring

We had installed the latest version of chrome on Rocky Linux 9.5. When run it, we get the message “Authentication required The login keying did not get unblocked when you logged into your computer”.
Can we disabled this as it will be annoying for users. Each user login on the pcs, with his username/password.
Googling the issue suggest to use --password-store=basic in the desktop file does not seem to work

Thank you


Open Applications → Accessories → Password and Encryption Keys
Right-click on the “login” keyring
Select “Change password”
Enter your old password and leave the new password blank
Press ok, read the security warning, think about it and if you still want to get rid of this dialog, choose “use unsafe storage”.

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I don’t have a fix/workaround for this, but it might be fixed in a future release (v133) ?

See Chromium

The following workaround using the options:

--password-store=basic --disable-features=DbusSecretPortal

seems to work for me


Seems to work if you call it straight from the command line.
But I want to it to run when the user click on the chrome icon(since machines are in labs). So I edit the /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop file and I append it on the line
Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable %U --password-store=basic --disable-features=DbusSecretPortal
I execute the desktop-file-install command and still pop-up the keyring window.
Any further recommendations for this issue?

Usually the URLs come after the cmdline options - so you could try:

Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --password-store=basic --disable-features=DbusSecretPortal %U 

I don’t use desktop files to launch chrome - but I guess you can check to see you have updated the correct desktop file - i.e. start chrome via the desktop file and then run something like:

ps -fwwC chrome | grep disable-features=DbusSecretPortal

If nothing is returned, then you are not running the ‘correct’ desktop file ?