Chinese translation

Chinese translation


I am volunteer to join the Chinese translation team.

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I am the second reply.

I am volunteer to join the Chinese translation team.


I am volunteer to join the Chinese translation team.


I don’t want you to feel as if no one is paying attention or hearing your offers of translations. Right now there is work underway on translating the Rocky Linux website, and you can take part in website translation via Github. We now have a pull request process where translation contributions will get checked by another speaker, so the more people the better! I also encourage you to join in the #rocky-www channel on Slack. You can learn more about how to contribute in other ways on the wiki Contributing page .

Right now there isn’t a Rocky Linux build that is ready to translate, but once there is I’ll post here in the Localization category to make sure you (and anyone else who comments here) don’t miss that opportunity to help.

I don’t speak in an official capacity for the Rocky Linux Project but I wanted to come here and say thank you for all of this support for the project! My post is not intended to be the end of this conversation, just an update so that you know where you can contribute right now :slight_smile:

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我也想加入,是直接添加 rockylinuxcn 的微信就可以了吗?

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中文翻译支持,I can help, too

I want to join the project too.Now,I will join the WeChat nember. :laughing:

hello world ! I can I do ~




I am volunteer to join the Chinese translation team.

There was an error in the installation location selection step
“多路径” is right


