Certificate confusion how to install additional chain

Hi All

I have been struggling with getting my rocky linux to accept a new certificate chain I was provided by our internal cerfiticate authority. I have a crt file that contains the sever, intermediat and root certificates. Placed ths file into /etc/pki/ca-trusted/source/anchors and then ran updat-ca-trust.
If I then do a “trust list | grep mydomain” I dont see the 3 certs from my chain file. I am new top certs and stuff on linux so please forgive the my lack of knowledge.


That’s pretty much it. You add the chain to that directory, update-ca-trust, and that’s it. Try using grep -i in your search.

[root@xmpp01 openssl]# trust list | grep -i angels
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excellent suggestion when I did the case insensitve search i found all 3 in the trust list

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