Azure images with packer

We are using packer to deploy azure images , the image is deployed with the plan added

if we see in the image the urn displays

“plan”: {
“name”: “9-base”,
“product”: “rockylinux-x86_64”,
“publisher”: “resf”

Architecture Offer Publisher Sku Urn Version

x64 rockylinux-x86_64 resf 9-base resf:rockylinux-x86_64:9-base:9.3.20231113 9.3.20231113

We sucessfully build this image to the shared image gallery, with the plan on the pipeline , however when we use it trought the portal to create a vm it gives the following error:

“Creating a virtual machine from Marketplace image or a custom image sourced from a Marketplace image requires Plan information in the request. VM: ‘/subscriptions/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/rg-shrd_mtool-azmig-prd/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm-test-rocky02’.Learn more about common virtual machine error codes.

Can someone please help us on the right path ?


Nuno Lima

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