About the “Power Mode” setting

I’m using rockylinux 9.5, and in the GUI, under Settings → Power, there is a setting called “Power Mode” that allows me to choose between Performance, Balanced, and Power saver. Is it possible to change or disable these settings via the CLI? Because I would like to eliminate other tuning factors when verifying the power saving settings of the cpupower command.

Read the man page for tuned-adm

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So this setting was about tuned-adm. I was able to stop it successfully. Thank you very much.

The mentioned UI elements are provided by the power-profiles-daemon package.
You can check the state with /usr/bin/powerprofilesctl in the CLI.

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When I changed the settings of powerprofilesctl, the GUI settings also changed, which confirms that they are the same.
Now I know how to disable it. Thank you very much.