Unable to install python3-pip

The default .bash_profile for user accounts in EL7 did include:

export PATH

In EL8 it does not. However, the default .bashrc in EL8 does contain:

if ! [[ "$PATH" =~ "$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin:" ]]
export PATH

See? Already there and prepending, while EL7 did append.

If an user account does not have those default .bash_profile and .bashrc ā€¦ well, there are legitimate scenarios that can lead to that.

Why the need for pip anyway, if you already do have it (pip3)? You can set shell alias too: pip=pip3.

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I received a permissions error until I placed the binary in the /usr/bin regardless of how I called pip. I did not do the additional investigation to see that it was already in the path (lazy), I got what I wanted working so Iā€™m done as far as Iā€™m concerned. While I agree that this is ultimately not the best solution, it is a solution. I just wanted to throw it out there in case anyone was having difficulties.