Works like charm, and it’s fast, I love it.
First I prepared partitions on clean disk with fdisk, and in destination settings, selected “Do not install boot loader” did not create new partitions just reformated existing ones, and proceeded with MINIMAL installation.
Once installation finished rebooted still with USB-DVD.iso in rescue mode and ran: grub2-mkinstall in “chroot” environment. Added groupinstall “Server with GUI” after and voila.
All good. Now just to make Wifi working and other little things.
It was easier than I expected. I have a Very! nice machine that was sitting and catching the dust already for years.
That sounds like a lot of work versus simply booting up an install DVD and running the installer. All the same, I would like to know if there is an easy fix for the lack of wireless support.
Another foray into repurposing Apple hardware to run RL turned up a curious problem. Taking a regular RL minimal install DVD and trying to install on a fresh hard disk lacking partitions will not work, it gives various errors concerning the Apple UEFI boot partition. However, doing an install using a Fedora install DVD (which happens to result in an unbootable system because the bootloader isn’t witten) then overwriting that failed install with RL works perfectly. My diagnosis is that the Fedora installer does some partition hocus pocus that RL does not do. I discovered this a few months back when trying to put Fedora on a 2012 model MacBook Pro and finding out that it doesn’t work, then installing RL instead. I was scratching my head a few days back when RL refused to install on another 2012 Mac mini that I got cheap, then I remembered the results of trying it on the MBP.
Which brings me back to the MBP. There is no wireless support built in to RL for wireless on any Mac boxes that I have tried. The MBP has a Broadcom BK4331 wireless chip I believe, and I came up empty trying to find any Linux support for it. Any ideas anyone?
So there is no device showing or you get an error trying to partition? If you get an error, see my earlier post here. If no disk device shows up, sounds like some hardware troubleshooting is in order.
As mentioned, installing the newest Fedora and installing RL over it works. Fedora creates the proper EFI boot partition while RL cannot, the way it seems. If there is a previous macOS install on the disk, my experience is that RL will install ok over it however.
I was having the same issues with installing Rocky 9 on my Mac mini 6,2
I created a gist here with details… but this is how I was able to get things working without installing Fedora first
1. Setting configuration to not install boot loader.
2. Manually creating the /boot/efi partition for the boot loader.
But, you can’t directly create an /boot/efi partition, you have to create another valid partition like “/var”, and then change the parameters to make it a “standard partition” formatted as an “EFI System Partition.”
You have to ensure there are no other existing partitions, and if there is not enough space for the /boot/efi partition, you will have to resize either the “/” or “/home” partition down to allow 1024 MiB for the /boot/efi partition.
Then, when you hit “Problems in request, Ignore and continue installation”, just click Yes and the install finishes and reboots properly.