How are we going to use aws ( or azure/google)

Hey @RobVerduijn!

I work in AWS every day, and I hear you. In my experience, the costs are much better when you have someone who can bridge business need with spending and take advantage of things like AWS Reserved Instances or Spending Plans.

Right now the infrastructure team is working on AWS with vendor agnostic methods and tooling.

One of the reasons for that is that the project is still in a startup phase, and it’s a lot easier at this juncture to build on existing, high-scale, high-availability, secure platforms than to start out building our own bare metal infrastructure. Right now there’s a big focus on getting applications and architecture running, and a keen interest in doing that in a portable manner. This is all driven by a goal to try to provide a build that can reliably replace CentOS by the time CentOS 8 is EOL.

(AWS is known to provide free transit/object storage to large-scale FOSS mirrors. For example there are free, CentOS-supported CentOS mirrors in (almost?) every region on AWS for any EC2 instances to use. So hopefully in time Rocky Linux might have that advantage because CDNs and repos are notoriously bandwidth hungry as @eva2000 pointed out!)

With that said, there are some conversations about some bare metal infrastructure that are happening, so these concerns are not being ignored. If you’d like to participate in those in-the-moment, you can join in on Slack, which you can join at the link on the website.

I’m not trying to shut down this dialogue, I just wanted to bring some extra context. :slight_smile: